Friday, November 1, 2019

Thine Soul Readiness and it's Receptivity Emerge

Normally by the time the Spirit of Truth is bestowed upon the race.. and before I might enter into the civilization .. the School of the Planetary Prince .. and the Material Son and Daughter .. and the Avonal Son Ministry and its Magisterial Mission has already taken place which tutors and spiritizes the mind .. which raises the biology into a greater refinement ..  which enhances mind receptivity for the natural and normal attraction to Eternity Values and Trinity Virtues and that Truth-bearing Vision which is the inevitable evolutionary advancement of the material, intellectual, mechanical, and analytical logical mind to achieve that differential impulse of pure worship and that differential urge for pure wisdom and that differential inclination for the higher associations .. and the development of the soul investiture .. the soul receptacle .. is well on it's way towards a readiness capacity for the Life of God Intimacy to blossom. 

Always have I taught that the Kingdom of the Heavenly One is not of this world .. and that all men and women are the sons  and daughters of God in potentialities and in reality. 

That each one shall find their liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father's love.

Do you not recall how the Son of Man that I am hath always proclaimed the salvation of God for all creatures great and small .. that always do I come ministering to the sick and the fragile minded and those who are afflicted .. and ever do I reach to those desirous of living the will of the Father .. setting free those who are bound by fear and enslaved by evil, confusion, and often iniquities. 

Do you not know that I teach and guide my disciples that salvation cometh for those in the North and South .. the East and West .. in so far as each one enters into our covenant of partnership .. our engagement of eternity.

In him and her who live as I am living amongst you .. shall all be blessed by an augmentation of their  knowledge of themselves .. an advancement in their understanding relationship with the Trinity Parenthood. 

That all families of the earth shall be blessed by their increased conceivings and their maturing alignments and loyalties. 

That each one with a priority for achieving soul maturity shall discover an enhancement in their receptivity of truth and love. 

I come .. listening and attending to Mine children always. I hear the cry of the needy and I save the souls of the poor who seek Me; that all nations shall call themselves blessed by their discipleship with Me.

That My giving of healing deliverance shall be as the eternal balm of refreshment .. a great oasis  in a land weary and dry of love. 

That I feed the children of the earth like a true shepherd. I gather the lambs in My Universal Arms .. I tenderly carry each in the bosom of the Father Son Spirit. 

That I open the eyes of the spiritually blind .. I bringeth  the prisoners of despair and desperation out into full liberty and light.

That all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation by understanding the Father's Plan and Purpose. 

That I bind up the brokenhearted .. I proclaim liberty to the captives of sin and misfortune. I open up the doors of the prison house to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. 

That I comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. 

That I attend to each member of My Body Universal .. in this I shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. 

That this Son of Truth I am shall focalize each receptive heart into their eternalizing salvation wherein righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power.

That I will save My people from their sins; that I shall seek out and save those who are lost in subjectivity and suffering error. 

That I will not destroy the weak and the tender .. yet I shall minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness and relationship with the Universal Father. 

That those who believe in Me shall have their eventual victory in eternal life. 

That I will pour out My Comforter Spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of living water springing up into life everlasting. 

Do you presently  understand how great is the gospel of this eternal  kingdom which I deliver to you once again with an even greater revelation and remembrance? 

Do you each perceive how great a salvation hath come upon you as I am here with you in flesh and in Spirit Force?

Michael Of Nebadon

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives

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