Friday, November 8, 2019

Ye Shall Live On

At first you believe that you are the sons and daughters of God because My teaching has made you more conscious of the inner impulses, guidance, and spirit leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence .. but presently My Comforter Presence .. the Spirit of Truth .. is now with you as a personal guide and teacher, counselor and reveler, helper and instructor .. it hath been poured out upon all flesh, and I will live among men and women .. and teach all .. even as I now live amongst you in this 21st Century .. and speak to you the words of truth.

And this Spirit of Truth .. speaking for the spiritual endowments of your emerging immortal souls .. shall help you to know that you are the daughters and sons of God, and that this inherent sonship is an unfolding and emerging eternal reality. 

My Spirit will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence which is your Life and Spirit Presence which must be expand and extended through your human life.  

For I sayeth unto they who shall listen without preconception and opinion .. you are in reality the sons and daughters of God, and this living reality shall become augmented .. increased .. developed .. ever further as you follow Me. 

Michael of Nebadon

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