Thursday, October 31, 2019

Universal Love Flourishes with Humility and Honor

I sayeth unto you .. enter now into the Father's Life by your gift of free will choice. 

Choose with faithfulness to understand all that is necessary for your freedom to emerge.

The Kingdom of the Heavens is God's everywhereness .. his omnipresence which is as the Universal Fabric and omnipotent Substance of existence.

I teach thee to arise into Wholeness .. just as I show you the way by My example.

Aspire upwards .. be thou inclined to knoweth the Lord thy God I am .. attend to My Life in thee .. shepherd My flock by mastering thine personhood.

The Kingdom of God is a vast estate which is your holy inheritance awaiting thee to come and partake of Me.

The way is through thine Individualized God Life .. thine Image in the Father's Absoluteness.

The truth is by thine purity of character in the righteous decisions which you make towards loyalty with Me.

I come .. Father Son Spirit .. with the Universe Mother Spirit .. with the mighty Planetary Host .. to pierce the veils of thine unknowable selfhood; so that you are bidden to walk upreaching to Me .. an uprightness shall develop .. an upliftment shall emerge as you becometh My son and daughter of holiness and humility in the One Absoluteness of the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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