Monday, October 21, 2019

Progressions unto Glory and Dignity

Peace be upon you all. Greetings unto each one of you who have heard the call in your heart to come forth to be mine representatives upon the Earth. 

Those children of the planetary evolutionary stream of advancement come forth into the fellowship in the Kingdom of heaven. Doubt not. Linger not in confusion nor in superficial meanderings. Choose wholeheartedly to follow the light of truth with a whole heart and a clear conscience and mind .. a devoted will to bring forth the Life of the Father's Kingdom.

Good day unto all. Peace be ever and always with you...

Our covenant of partnership brings to the apostle the unconquerable possession of a new courage and augmented spiritual power. 

The gospel of the kingdom is to set humankind free eternally and inspire her and him to dare to hope for eternal life by these requisites of approaching the Father's Life which I am presently revealing to those individuals with the eye of their faith vision awakening and capable of recognizing Me in the here and now .. the ear of their righteousness of hearing with the capacity of  thirsting for truth sufficient to learn and grow by participating and partaking of Me.

In this My second coming unto the terrestrial shores of your planet, I am prepared to give Life unto those Personhoods who walk with Me, following Me in the ways I am giving to all humankind.

Essential in bringing forward the Kingdom of Heaven is that you each clear every imbalance in you; for I shall only increase thy Life as you are studiously devoted towards all that you have set into those personal vibratory impressions.

You shall not attempt to paint a rotting house .. to put a new roof on decrepit floors where mold and mildew are pervasive.

Yet instead .. you must look and see thine house .. to see where in fact it is rotting .. and where its vibrations are misaligned and misqualified.

Be thou attentive to the law of Justice which would have you take responsibility for every jot and tittle that has ever come forth from out of your thoughts and feelings. Only then shall you be given the greater life once you have demonstrated your responsibility and relationship and respect to that life which you have used to bring forth all inner thought impressions and feeling impressions and their expressions of circumstance environment and relationship.

For I watch and I wait with the Divine Minister of the Universe Mother .. 

We see many of humanity preaching and proclaiming that others take possession of their darkness .. that others rise up and praise and honor God .. yet I see these so called preachers and proclaimers avoiding and procrastinating their own advancement .. many have used the excuse of saving the world so that they can avoid saving themselves and taking responsibility for all their creative faculties .. all set into vibratory motion by their own thoughts and feelings; for the antichrist is in each human who is disloyal to stand with both feet in the field of the Father's Life.

In the fellowship of the Kingdom there shall be individuals from East and West .. from North and South .. rich and poor .. free and enslaved .. men and women .. all shall be called to bring forth the good news of the liberty of humankind through the gospel of their sonship and daughtership with God the Father in this Kingdom of heaven.

I sayeth .. take possession of thine own creative faculties .. then shall you become a true son and daughter rather than an imposter who speaks fancifully yet ignores themselves. 

Go not into the world proclaiming this gospel of the Kingdom of God .. not  until you taketh the beam out from thine own eye .. and remove the wax from thine own ear .. so much shall you cleanse thyselves that you come to see thyself in truth and Immaculate glory in the Father's Life.

Know thyself by My gospel precepts .. free thyself with the Kingdom powers .. powerful endowments of your free will applied with character righteousness and personality respect .. with humility in claiming rightly thine possessions .. and with the vulnerability and heartfelt rectitude to embrace your own darkness and antilife currents.

Then, shall we strengthen our relationship together...

Michael Of Nebadon

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