Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thou Art God's Actualizations of His Becoming

Be of good cheer .. of the brightest and widest countenance .. for it is far more blessed to give to the Parenthood of God and your fellows than to attempt to take from all.

Elevate your mortal sensibilities and your human attentions inwards and upwards. There is no need to be a blind and unreasonable optimist in living your life. Now, you hold within My teachings the approach of the ages which you have asked for and awaited over the centuries.

I say unto thee .. be of good cheer and allow the Father's Life to expand and gradually grow in you. He shall establish harmony with all your human frailties .. and he shall quicken all lesser inclinations upwards. He shall bring to you the full conviction of your faith as you give unto Him just a morsel of your controlling tendencies and the poverty of your pridefulness.  He shall invoke a tenderness in you that gathers the unstoppable steam of Supremacy .. and propels you into the building of your Kingdom within His Presence.

Thine confidence comes from this reciprocal religious relationship of holding personal inner communion and everlasting fellowship with the living circuits of Deity. Ye shall stand humbled before the court of the Universal Father .. and you shall know the Goodness of God.

Your faith will grow wider and deeper .. and this faith of a child who reaches willingly to the hand of the Universal Father shall birth those qualities in you necessary to advance thyself in your universe career unto God's light and life.

His unswerving capacity to respond to your dedicated devotions of single minded attention upon Him .. this shall be an ever raising power that washes away all obstructions and every miswoven struggle from your lifetimes.

Be thou considerate of the divine knowledge I offer to you .. the wisdoms of your willingly partaking of Our association shall be as a beacon of Omnipotence which shines brightly .. illuminating your purpose and purity .. your desire and direction .. even your mortal meanings of interpreting life's circumstances shall become more acquainted with our eternal understanding .. and Our living approach into freedom.

I come into this humankind to enthrall you with My unshakable confidence of trust in the Persons of Trinity Paradise. I lay down before you My Verities leading all into their personal Victories. I touchingly consider your predicaments .. and I love all men and women for the Life of the Universal Absoluteness who lives in each and all personalities.

I give you of My Vision to intoxicate your spirit urge for truth and progression. I reach you with My ever-surrounding Spirit .. it's constancy of conviction .. and its firm omnipotence of mercy shall become for you the eternal potency which stimulates your human potentialities into God's Actualizations. 

Now .. are you able and willing to actualize thine doing of the Father’s Will and Plan. All of Eternity awaits of thee to raise upwards thine mortality into the sustainability of the Almighty One whose stature of divinity you are awakening thyself to become.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington University

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