Monday, February 20, 2017

Mine Holy Gospel Ideal Emerges in Thee

Mine holy gospel is the reach of the Trinity Intelligence which desires to raise thine living standards .. to ignite the sovereignty of thy  personality.

Sovereignty comes as ye establish forever the vibratory influences of the Persons of Infinity. Thine self-respect is rescued from its swollen trajectories of debasement and degeneration.

You shall at once recover the dignity of your nobility .. as given to each mortal heart from its beginnings.

Surrender .. I do say .. in order to participate in the great heights of the human experience in seeking to find the Infinite God .. and to make of him thine holy nature in the quest for truth .. for freedom in you to become availed.

Thine mind and its itinerant thoughts of intellect .. this is the arc of your ascendancy into full determination to enter the kingdom .. and to explore it's merits.

Personal religious relationship fosters this very attainment to penetrate the veils of matter .. and to triumph in the great and good adventure of personal Christhhood .. that is to say .. becoming the Shepherd of thine own Sovereignty .. the Buddha of Salvington.

This is what We desire for all of humanity .. yet it shall taketh thee a millennium to unfold the inheritance of the Infinite One. Lifetimes of effort and struggle to bring g to birth thine actualizing soul and personality.

I maketh the way for the lowly and confused. I brighten thine lamps with the Initiatory Wick of eternal life. I catapult mine children of the earth unto this supremacy of all achievements; to walk within the endowments of the Father .. the Primal Son .. and the Imminency of the Immaculate Spirit.

The Father is immediately available to you. He Is attainable and through your adoration of allegiance shall you know him and make your everlasting bonds with his Spirit Sovereignty.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington

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