Saturday, February 4, 2017

Thine Gathering Force of Love

Command with Me your freedom through the righteous use of will . . .

"I AM Indigo Violet Sacred Fire Quickening .. Infinite Merciful Forgiveness Flame. "

This is thine invocation will .. the power of your attitude and choice to use your time and energies for your eternal life .. your God freedom.

With invocation .. you command constructively .. petitioning the Trinity Endowment.

Verily .. you may say .. Oh God within me that I AM who moves me and motivates me into all goodness .. truth .. and beauty .. come forward and expand thy glory. Glorify me here in the mortal garment .. raise all my human attitudes into righteousness and respect .. responsibility and receptivity .. remembrance and revelation.

I am willing to give myself to you .. and to direct myself into communion consciousness with you .. even as my misqualifications arise .. I will be your sovereign shepherd .. redirecting myself to you Father God.

In the righteousness of will .. you are utilizing your eternal endowment .. the gifts of Heaven .. in the highest way .. with the wisest of wisdom. You are gathering the great Force of your own God nature .. directing this force for your fulfillment and freedom.

This is the destination of God in you and with you .. wherein this spirit of Life becomes personalized .. and the human personality becomes eternalized forever.

Together .. let us now give our holy petitioning for our freedom .. for thine freedom is certainly My freedom.

Give this communication command with full determination of overflowing faith trust .. I tell thee .. the Universal Persons of Infinite Deity .. hear you .. We listen .. the Persons of Infinity reach humanity through these petitionings of purity.

You command constructively in the midst of any chaos.. Thus, you override all ephemeral chaos with the will of heaven. This is the very thing which the Infinite Deity needs from all human beings in order to allow the advancements of ascendancy.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington University
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

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