Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Spirit Life of God the Father

Be ye of good cheer; for as you understand and implement Mine gospel .. ye shall find comfort and sustenance within the Spirit Life of God the Father. He resides in thine midst .. motivating your highest aspirations and inspiring your greatest goodness, truth, and beauty.

The Cardinal Virtues and Values of Nebadonia the Universe Mother give to the personality mind body the eternal values and everlasting priorities to shape their decisions upward into everlasting dominion with God the Father.

This is the very first precept as given to My disciples who seek entrance through the front door of his Sovereignty.

The Paradise Trinity Endowment .. is the absolute way of the universes .. it is the way and truth and life for all regardless of race, creed, situation, circumstance, and environment. All are invited to attend to their broadening in heart, mind, and bodily vibratory activities.

The Endowment of Eternity shall awaken your capacities for God depth .. and it is in the depths underlying this very moment wherein ye shall meet the Father. He dwells as a universal spirit more brilliant than the noonday sun.

Our walk together would ask you to understand him better .. by enter into relationship with him .. to build thine reciprocal religious repoire and communion with him.

Ye shall walk into God's Sovereignty .. his Kingdom through your righteousness of living  and your honorable choices and decisions. Your authorship is your governorship.

It is the way of the Christos of discipline which is discipleship.  It blossoms all children into maturity and integrity. Our discipleship together with obedience to the Life in you awakens an  understanding knowledge of the opportunities presented to you in each moment.

The furthering of your Paradise perfection career is driven by the moment to moment exchange between your mortal personality and the immortal spirit who inhabits you.

In each and every moment .. you greet the Infinite Mother Spirit initially by your purifying virtues .. values .. and attitudes of ascendancy.

Righteousness matures thine personhood and choice ripens thee.

Then comes the vision and verities of the administration of the Son who reveals thine way through My gospel ideal.

At last .. you are ushered in each moment of opportunity into the Holy Presence of the Majesty of God the Father. His Sovereignty broadens it's reach and establishes harmony and order .. wholehearted pure desire for love .. and the happiness of living the will of the heavens.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Epochal Religious Revelation of the Universe Father Son Michael

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