Sunday, December 6, 2020

New Humanity Sovereign World Server Legions

Holy Comforter World Retreat

A Thriving Virtual Worldwide Community 

New Humanity Schools of Sovereignty

Islands of Illumination and God Remembrance

New Humanity Sovereign World Server Legions of Light and Life

School of the Sovereign World Server Prophets 

School of the Sovereign World Server Evangelists 

School of the Sovereign World Server Pastors

School of the Sovereign World Server Healers

School of the Sovereign World Server Counselors 

School of the Sovereign World Server Preachers 

School of the Sovereign World Server Messengers


  1. School of the Prophets who Guide seekers and aspirants. 

ad majored dei gloriam

for the greater glory of god

  1. School of the Evangelists who Gather Believers and Baptize with Instruction. 

magno cum gaudio

with great joy

  1. School of the Pastors who Guard the Ideal and Vision. 

ex absoluta misericordiae

of absolute mercy

  1. School of the Healers who Ground the Perfection and Personality Embrace of all Imperfection. 

manibus date lilia plenis

give lilies with full hands

  1. School of the Counselors who Generate Mercy and Forgiveness in Helping all Others to Deepen Recognition, Respect, Relationship, Receptivity, Reverence, and Responsibility. 

ex absoluta misericordiae

of absolute mercy

  1. School of the Preachers who preserve and uphold the Trinity Ideal, the Paradise Plan of Salvation, the Progressive Ascendancy of all Personhood. 

magno cum gaudio

with great joy

  1. School of the Messengers who uphold the communication between seekers, aspirants, disciples, and aspirants. 

antiquum dierum

ancients of days 

Michael Of Nebadon

Holy Comforter World Retreat

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