Saturday, December 5, 2020

Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum

My Plan is being revealed to humanity .. and those with their Faith Vision awakening shall know of Me. These ones are of My fold who are readily trusting and receptively opening. They shall see and know Me.

Holy Comforter World Retreat gives to all people of every race, country, religion, order, and kingdom a greater comprehension of the various kingdoms of Life, their mutuality of social interaction, necessary to work and live together in Love and Harmonious Happiness...

Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette gives the news of the Universe of Nebadon and Salvington Worldwide.

The Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum -  A Great Gathering Field and Receiving Station of the various Universe Orders - Angelic, Human, Animal, Electron, Nature, and Elemental Kingdoms

The Unique Assemblages of Social Enjoyments and Spiritual Fellowships

The Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum is the Great Unifier and Integrator of the Life Kingdoms of Urantia

The Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum in the Holy Comforter World Retreat is the  Planetary Broadcasting-Receiving Station of Urantia, as the Planetary Civilization is gradually reconnected with the System, Constellation, Milky Way Galaxy, and the greater Nebadon Universe.

The Edentia Society of Jerusem 

My Planetary Initiatives for the Evolutionary Epochs of Urantia; these Global Initiatives unfold the Plan of Salvation in order to bring a new revelation, a broader understanding of cosmic happenings and developments, and an illumination of the real meaning behind the revelation of the Urantia Papers and My coming. 

I am beginning the Public Work in the Rescuscitation,  Rehabilitation, Regeneration, Revelation, and Restoration of the Planetary Epochs.

Here are a few of the Global Initiatives for the New Humanity and the next three millennia...

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs in presenting enlarged concepts of Deity and Divinity

the advancement of truth in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization by enlarging those conceivings of things, meanings, and values of universal reality.

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life 

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and 
world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Ennobling, Enhancing, Evolving, and Eternalizing all Personality and Character and Ascendant Attributes .. Human and Divine Nature of Mercy .. Soul and Spirit Divinity.

The Primal Son and his Sons are engaged in making a universal revelation of the spiritual and personal nature of the Father to all creation. 

In the central universe, the superuniverses, the local universes, or on the inhabited planets, it is a Paradise Son who reveals the Universal Father to men and angels. 

The Eternal Son and his Sons reveal the avenue of creature approach to the Universal Father. 

And even we of high origin understand the Father much more fully as we study the revelation of his character and personality in the Eternal Son and in the Sons of the Eternal Son. 

Michael Of Nebadon
Holy Comforter World Retreat

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