Sunday, August 18, 2019

Our Association and Apostleship

Thou emerging universe citizens of Immortality and Eternality and the Grand Infinity...

Our religious spirituality is always an individual and planetary ascendancy. It is the Universal Approach to all Life everywhere.

It is the Way of Victory .. the Truth of your Direct Communion with the Father's Absoluteness .. the Life of Consecration and Collaboration and Cooperation and Collegiality with the Trinity Parenthood of Life.

Never .. ever .. place this religious and spiritual gospel in isolation from all other aspects of living. It is the gospel of livingvand evolving and arising and ascending into promise and potentiality. It is My preceptual yoke .. the demands I place upon the 'shoulders of our Apostleship together'. It is the way to live your life in the flesh garment in order to daily  ascend .. gradually enter .. into the  wider universal life .. the higher fields of glory and grace and generosity and gentleness.

I sayeth to My true disciples whom I trust with My own Life .. to blend and merge with Me together as One .. ye shall arise into the holiness of living .. our religious spirituality shall not be divided into religion alone and by itself. Be thou bold. Awakening courage and worshipful wisdom and counsel and thine greater wholeness of cosmic perceptions.

Bring forth the Wholeness of My religious gospel of and for the Kingdoms of all Life. Every creature shall findeth peace .. peace .. peace .. in our Universal Engagement of Eternity.

Divide not. Isolate never. Categorize not. To do so is to cause disintegration and division .. degeneration and disease .. dissection and death. I say .. enter the Wholeness of living God's Life moment to moment in this holiest communion by discarding thine darkness and the impaling densities of the temporal and its ephemerality.

Enter the Kingdom of Awakening wherein ye shall walk with Me forevermore.

Distort not our religious spirituality by placing it in a box. Distort it not. Amplify and Unify its Living Ideal .. its Immaculate Conception of Perfect Thought.

Bring this Perfect Thought Ideal forward in and through your personhood and its expression and experience.

The Existential Ideal shall becometh the Expressionful Word of Personality Perfection at your point of existence.

Then, arise and deliver all things to the Trinity Parenthood of Life as you transfigure into the Experiential Act of becoming in all things the Father's Life .. in this demonstration of pure religious spirituality focusing upon serving the kingdoms of all  living creatures .. serving the Infinity of all Life .. serving the First Great Mystery and First Revelation of Infinity .. giving thyself to the One Pure and Perfect Creator and Unnameable Cause .. thine Immaculate Father Mother Parent of Love.

And in just this simplicity of My gospel shall you become immersed in daily and hourly Prayerful Intimacy Communion with the Individualized Life of God the Father in thee; that you learn to enter into his Kingdom in all that you say and do and live.

For verily .. the Immaculate Character of his  Absoluteness .. his Ineffable Goodness .. his  Inexpressible Caring .. his Unavoidably Merciful Love .. shall become for thee all Oxygen and all Life; for the God of worship asks of thee all faith .. all trust .. all allegiance .. all acknowledgment .. all appreciation .. all acceptance .. all adorational worship in the life you are living.

Now, are ye walking with Me in righteousness and reverence .. revelation and receptivity .. respect and relationship .. for our Universal Fellowship together.

Michael Of Nebadon

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