Saturday, August 17, 2019

Everpresence of Life

Our Father .. you who are everywhere throughout the universes .. we give all our heart unto you.

We love you .. oh our Universal Parent .. we give you our full acknowledgment and acceptance and allegiance and appreciation.

Awoon dwashmaya .. our heavenly Father who has his body as the universes of the creation, and is living within each moral creature.

Ever are you close to us .. each creature .. you art ever and always within ..

Oh thou Abba .. Father of existence .. your Infinite compassion is available to all as they art wholeheartedly in faith and trust of You.

You have placed all creatures in this Universe within My Care and Guidance ..

Some have yet to honor this fact of your placement of them with Me, yet I am everpresent with each child of the Universe.

Ever do I attend to My apostles of your glory .. they who seek to know the Life of You in themselves.

I am teaching them Prayerful Intimacy Communion and Full Religious Reliance upon You.

And with the righteousness of character and consciousness, they are realizing your close proximity to them; that you are ever close and never far away.

My apostles of the 21st century .. many who had walked with Me in Galilea times .. they are reaching for You .. they are finding thine Wholeheartedly Wholeness and Integrity emerging little by little .. day by day.

Ever are You a caring, guiding, loving Father to all your creatures.

Now beloveds who have found Me here and now in these simple ways .. perceive now, the living Presence of Spirit all around thee .. by your faith Invisualization and Imagination Trust.

Reach with thine faith trust into perceptions of glory and grace in perceiving the everywhereness of the Unnameable Parent of all.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

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