Thursday, July 27, 2017

Seek the Father earnestly

Seek the Father earnestly and with full determination.

Invite Mine Presence in the Comforter Spirit of Truth.

Engage with the Universe Mother Spirit and her Host.

Knowledge and Understanding await those personalities who are willingly desirous of freedom.

Behold I say .. the Kingdom of My Father God is present through the doorway of your own Godhood.

My Father God unveils all hidden secrets of the personality.

I sayeth to thee .. harbor nothing from the Immaculate Infinite Intelligence of the Trinity Source.

Place thyselves in close proximity to the Father’s Initiatory Life in you.

Be thou of Our gladness and joyfulness as you apply the Tenfold Precepts of the Kingdom of God in you. This personalised intimacy with the Infinite Persons of Deity shall give you all that you are craving.

I come as thine Universal Parent with the Infinite Mother Spirit and the Planetary Administration to raise you into mastery.

Thine earthly travails and tribulations shall become an occurrence of the past for you .. only as you remain vigilant with vulnerability and the wholehearted willingness to view yourself in all ways.

I come to release you from the chains of density and materialized light. To place you into this intimacy with God who has sent a fragment of Himself to live in you .. and as your very Lifehood.

I sustain you in this emergence of your own flowering grace. I nourish you with the Spirit Power of the First and Second Persons of Divinity. I quicken you beyond the darkness of rebelliousness and the discoloration of your consciousness.

These ways are of the Paradise Trinity Parenthood offering to the apostles of truth the approach of ascendancy. . .

Michael Of Nebadon

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