Saturday, July 29, 2017

Behold Mine brethren

Behold Mine brethren of the evolutionary races  .. ye shall become arisen from the tomb of mortality as you give yourself to the Father’s Initiatory Life in you.

Give to God by sharing thine personal ephemeral life with him.

I instruct thee in your Intimacy with the Infinite Persons of Paradise Trinity Absoluteness.

Build a relationship with the Spirit of God .. the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of My Being .. the Spirit of the Universe Mother and her Planetary Administration.

Intimacy with God necesitates your character righteousness and rectitude.  Ye shall become enlivened with a contrite heart prepared to be responsible for your nature as emerging sons and daughters of God.

Intimacy with God develops you into a more perfectly unified personality. Give all of thyself to the Father’s Kingdom. Generate empowered love and unconditional acceptance and adoring appreciation for the Life of God the Father who lives in you continually giving to you his light substance at all times.

Intimacy with God matures you into becoming a giver to God of your attention and acknowledgement .. thine alignment of heart shall give itself to him. It shall cause thee to advance further along towards his Kingdom of Redemption and Revelation.

I come once again .. returned to the earth .. bringing illumination of mind and a quality of heart unknown to the evolutionary personality. Reach thou upwards into the Parenthood of God. Enter into the Brotherhood of men and women. Ye shall be experts in carrying thine misqualifications into the Purifying Power of the Father’s Initiatory House.

Invite Me. Receive if My Spirit. Come to Me with respect for the God Life in you. Be wholehearted in willingness to act upon My instructions. 

My precepts of Intimacy with the Paradise Trinity Parenthood is the way to have a life more abundant and nourishing. Intimacy with God through Mine Precepts shall fill you with this joy producing Truthfulness.

Ye shall become enlivened with great joy and happiness as you partake of My Word of the Eternal Son of Paradise. He is the perfect pattern and expression of God the Father and the Father’s Kingdom Ideal.

Behold .. I maketh the weary athirst for advancement .. the lame to walk upon the dusty road of growth and ripening maturity .. I elevate the hearts and minds of the deaf in order to hear truth and live with truthfulness which shall become a human virtue once more .. and I heal thine sight .. thine vision .. with the inspiration for Our orderliness .. Our progressive ascent into the Father's Kingdom of Everlasting Life for every race and religion .. each human individual shall taketh up their own willingness to cooperate and collaborate with My Universal Sovereignty and Administration of Ascendancy.

Michael Of Nebadon

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