Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Consuming Currents and Communion Circuits Of Ascendancy

Reach for Me .. as I am the Life of the I AM who doeth all works of goodness, truth, and beauty.

I impulse the waves of the ocean to rush and curl in upon themselves.

I motivate the elementals of the airs to waft throughout the desert terrains giving cooling breezes to any and all.

I stir the hearts and minds of iniquity and falsehood into order everlasting and truth galore.

I AM also am I .. the personalization of the First and Second Source who cometh to this creational space to initiate it's inception into tangibility and time.

I am thine Focalization for the Father Son who does all things heavenly. They stand throughout existence as the Initiatory Thought and its Revelatory Word .. for I serve upon the Currents of Ascendancy .. as the expressionful person of the Infinite First and Second Persons of Deity Absolute .. I walk and be such along with the hundreds upon thousands of their Sons of righteousness and revelation .. receivership and remembrance.

Reach thou child of grace and benevolence .. Strive to touch the lighted hem of the Absoluteness Of Ascendancy .. through our Association Of Ascendancy while practice each day the Ark Of Ascendancy .. those embracing eternity exercises which foster consciousness and communication .. partnership and purity .. communion and unconditional acceptance and adoration of the God Life who lives in thee as thine Life of Awareness.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

The Epochal Revelation of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

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