Monday, May 8, 2023

The Great Emergence of Love

And the most powerful approach to aligning mind with Mind is to turn your faith attention to the Indwelling Life... giving that God Life permission... to control, dominate and rule your own in every way.

 Only then will your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions begin to generate continuous harmony and order.

 Your natural ability to gather the Lifestream... the Adjusting Life... within you, and through It perpetually vitalize the body, is based on the right relationship of ideas, thoughts, and words.

 The Great Idea of ​​Existence... of the Universal Mind... will then be transmuted into the Ideal of your expression, and then your experiential Reality will be one with Life.

 These mental impulses initiate currents of energy that form and also stimulate molecules and cells already formed, producing life, force and animation where inertia and helplessness and fragility were the dominant expression and experiential appearance.

 My methods of life are not my own…but every word that leaves my lips in these evangelical statements comes from the Infinite Source and Divine Center…the Great Adonai and Mind of Existence.

 Although numerous religious writings repeatedly refer to the creative power of the Word, many people have not dared to think that the creative law is universal and could be taught to anyone who would discipline their thoughts and words and center them in the Mind of God. through the Individualized Life Adjuster.

 I give all my attention to God, so much so that I certainly affirm that I myself do nothing... that these teachings do not originate with me... that the words I speak... come from the Universal Father... the Great Fatherhood of Existence .

 Practice beloved your careful thought and wholehearted concentration on God by faith and trust and relationship with Her...for as you make this unrestrained you establish such complete union with the One Creative Mind...the One Absolute Heart of Existence...that even your physical body will transform in the presence of your mortal life.

 And as you abide in these ideas...a great understanding will be yours...and you will progressively experience the reward of every thought, feeling, word and deed you have done.

 I tell you... that through your thoughts and feelings... your words and actions... you will be justified to righteousness and resurrection... or by these very devices of your authorship... your powers and faculties. .. you will be condemned and held in bondage.

 I will always encourage and ennoble you... because it is a literal truth... that unless one is born again in mind and emotions... in purpose and priority... in capacities of reception and alignment and loyalty and these powers of recognition in the revelation of raw possibilities... he and she will not see the kingdom of God.

 On my earthly journey…I continue to unfold in evolutionary expression and experience.  I experience myself in the midst of that mysterious unfolding of humanity that I might refer to as the "new birth"...and I fully expect these changes to continue throughout my bestowal mission to gain the knowledge of growth and evolutionary expansion.

 For all who enter this transformative embrace have been promised...great power and a supernatural presence unfolding for those who follow me in the emergence of their soul personality development, in which the son and the daughter of mortality and the limited scope of humanity unleash their hidden potentialities... unbridle their possibilities... and release their developing grace toward the immortality of God's sonship.

 Christ Michael Of Nebadon
 The Planetary Adonai

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