Saturday, November 28, 2020

New Humanity Sovereign World Servers

Thou World Servers who desire inordinately to serve the kingdoms of Urantia .. 

You must attend this upcoming event .. and you are to arise into humility wherein thine fists are emptied of selfness .. wherein you are relaxing the pressures of egoism .. wherein your duty to God the Supremacy shall dominate your thinking and feeling .. your urges and motivations .. priorities and purposes shall be overwhelmingly held by loyalties to Me.

Then, are you worthy to be put to work as a World Server.

You are to become obedient to Me .. ever disciplined .. whilst  discernment shall become thine middle name .. if you so desire to becometh worthy of our association together in the Kingdom of the Universal Father.

Devotion to becometh trained beyond what you believe you already know is absolutely necessary .. an essential wholehearted willingness must pervade thine persona.

And everywhere you go, so shall you preach to open hearts and receptive minds, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand,' 'the way of deliverance is imminently accessible to those who make themselves worthy by their priorities of devotion', 'salvation is approachable by all who will enter and abide obediently in righteousness and reverence', 'freedom is upon you as you become open to grow as the soul receptacle giving all your personality endowments and soul  faculties of expression toward the achievement of the ages'.

I sayeth, thou World Servers .. ye shall  minister to all who may be sick in either mind or body; showing each one the way to deliver themselves to the One Reality of the Father God.

Freely you have received of the good things of the kingdom; freely give. 

If the people entering into our Holy Comforter Sovereign Countries, Cities, and Villages will receive of you shall they find an abundant entrance into the Father’s kingdom; yet, if the people of any country, city, or village,  refuse to receive this gospel, still shall you proclaim your message as you depart from that unbelieving community, saying, even as you leave, to those who reject your teaching: 

‘Notwithstanding you reject the truth, it remains that the kingdom of God has come near you.’ 

He and She who hear you .. hear Me. 

And he and she who hear Me .. hear Him who sent Me. 

He and She who reject your gospel message reject me... 

And he and she who reject Me .. reject Him who sent Me into this one fold of Urantia.”

Michael Of Nebadon

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