Saturday, April 27, 2019

Planetary School of Salvington

Good Day Fellows of our Salvington School of the Planetary Civilization...

Students who enter into Salvington enjoy a sublime and wholehearted faith in God.

Individuals may still experience the ordinary ups and downs of mortal existence, but each one is strengthened in their resolve to persevere with the all-powerful fuel of their faith and trust in the ever-present goodness of God; and each one learns to never religiously doubt the certainty of God’s watchcare and guidance.

Faith is the outgrowth of the insight born of the activity of the divine presence, the Life of God who lives in your midst.

This faith is neither traditional nor merely intellectual; it is wholly personal and purely a religious and spiritual relationship.

At Salvington.. you will learn to see God as being holy, just, and great, as well as being true, beautiful, and good. You will come to be in personality relationship with his Infinite Selfhood through his  Individualized Life in you.

All these attributes of divinity you learn to focus in your mind as the “will of the Father in heaven, and the way of the universes.”

Our God is at one and the same time “The Holy Breathe of the Universes”. He is "the living and loving Father Mother in heaven who also lives in you.”

At Salvington .. we exalt and elevate the idea of the Parenthood of God into a subtle and sublime personal experience.

Student apostles who venture forth into the offerings of Salvington are presently achieving a new inner revelation of God for themselves .. they are elevating and ripening their normal human urges and habits and inclinations into this sublimely-held God intimacy .. realizing God's Word, and proclaiming in their lifetime that every mortal creature of moral capacity and ethical decisiveness is a child of this Universal Father Spirit Persona of Love. All are the children of this One Infinity Parent, and as you arise into understanding and wholehearted willingness, you shall become steadfastly a progressing son and daughter of God entering steadily upon these illuminated avenues of ascendancy.

At Salvington, you will not cling to faith in God as would a struggling and strife-torn soul at war with the universe and at death grips with a hostile and sinful world; you will not merely resort to faith as a consolation in the midst of difficulties nor as a comfort when in threatened despair.

Our faith at Salvington is not just an illusory compensation for the unpleasant realities and the sorrows of living. It is faith trust realization and understanding of the plan of Infinity .. in the progressive ascendancy of personality .. thine entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven becomes then, your conscious journey in the processional of every personality soul who yearns and hungers for Truth, and who is athirst for character righteousness and rectitude .. respect and recognition for the One Life .. righteousness and receptivity in bringing forward this Indwelling Intimacy with Life .. immersion within the glory of the One Holy Infinite Center and Source of Life.

In the very face of all the natural difficulties and the temporal contradictions of mortal existence, you will experience the tranquillity and extraordinary peace of this supreme and unquestioned faith trust in God .. and you will certainly feel the tremendous thrill of living, by faith, in the very presence of the heavenly Parenthood of Infinite Existence.

Michael Of Nebadon
Enhanced Revelation 196

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