Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Everlasting Life

I am come to surround thee at all times to foster thine eternalizing advancement in the things of the Spirit Of Life.

I unify thine mortal experience with the Spirit Of Life...

I coordinate thine human endeavors for freedom and personality soul advancement.

You are each given the grand opportunity for eternity advancements into the experiences of greater love and mercy .. beginning right with yourself.

I unify all of life .. and our fellowship ennobles thy character .. simplifies thine experience.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter .. I enter the human mind to elevate thine urges and enhance those impulses towards Truth...

Our Association of Ascendancy transforms thine values into this trinitarian deliverance .. and I stimulate and sustain thy faith hunger and embolden thine trustworthiness...

Ever do I transfigure all possibilities and human obstructions and those lesser priorities into fulfilling joy in living the Will of the Universal Absolute One.

As you open your heart to My Universal Heart .. and as you invite Me in order to bring Truth and Justice .. so will you become a new creature; all old and useless things shall be  passing away. 

Behold .. I maketh anew all things in thee...

I and the Father Son and Spirit transform all things into becoming newly brightened and pure. Holiness shall come over thee as you attend to thine flock and its grazings upon the pastures of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

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