Thursday, March 23, 2017

I AM the Living Vine of Eternity Cometh

Mine Spirit is the Vine upon which all life branches are sustained and nourished. Mine Spirit is the Father Son alongside the Spirit of the Universe Mother giving the Life breath to all creatures and kingdoms.

Together, with the Universe Mother .. the Persons of Trinity Absolute sustain and develop and nurture and grow all biological life upon every planetary world within this Son Universe and all Son Universes.

Verily do I offer to you the doorway of eternity...

All ye who are burdened by the thoughts of hopeless despair and desperation come unto Me .. and I shall erase with you all debilitating declarations which inhibit thine faith and desecrate thine God Trust.

I shall show you Mine whereabouts surrounding thee and interpenetrating thine consciousness and elevating thine character and countenance. Give Me opportunity through the permission of thine will endowment to enter you with fuller reciprocity and the burgeoning religious relationship that I enjoy so very much for us to share eternally together.

Michael Of Nebadon
University Of Salvington
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

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