Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Advancements Of Ascendancy

I have come to light thine way into the Kingdom of Heaven which I shall call the Universal Family during this My present bestowal service.

I give you of My instructions to immortality .. I offer to you My universal teachings directly in this simplicity of your human networks. I inform you of Mine yoke .. My discipleship together. I show thee those daily exercises of approaching the Spirit of the Father in thee . . .

Come and enter into My Society for your Salvation. Contribute your attentions inwards and participate gladly your acceptances within My Collegiate School of the Advancement of  Ascendancy for every human life.

I have prepared a place within the universal table of our Nebadon. Yet .. ye shall find thine hunger for the foods of eternity and ye shall discover thine thirst for the drink of the Infinite Persons of Trinity Endowment Trust.

Michael Of Nebadon
Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

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